Sharing xbox live
I'm really confused by the information on the Internet!I have a new xbox one x and my old xbox one. I've set both consoles up in different rooms.
Is it possible for me to play on xbox live on my new console and my son to play with me on destiny2 on the second xbox or does he need his own gold subscription ?
We have two copies of destiny 2
Matt You’ve got it the wrong way around. You only need one copy of the game but 2 Gold subscriptions. Depends if they are disc or digital. Your going to need 2 discs or 1 digital purchase.
You only need 1 gold sub as you can share that. Login to your son's Xbox and set it as your Home Console. This will share gold and any digital games.
Then login to your Xbox and play as normal. You can even remove your account from your son's Xbox if needed.
On your Xbox you will have to be signed in to play your digital games and online.
More info here - Xbox One User Guide & FAQ Thanks king but will my son be able to play online at the same time as me (and with me?) On separate consoles ? Yes Brilliant. Thanks buddy. Sorry for jumping on this thread, ive had one Xbox with family share with me set as the Adult and my 2 sons sharing.
We are getting another xbox for xmas so they then will have one each, im not entirely sure what gold accounts we have, i think we may have 2 or 3.
Whats the best way to set it up for them to play together online at the same time or not, they obviously have different gamertags, although they mainly play on one gamertag at the minute, but wont be when they have their own xbox.
Sounds as clear as mud!!! Just reading a bit more and it seems i just load ll the same profiles onto the new xbox and they can still share the digital games, but not the Disc bought games.
So only option is to buy another copy of the discs 