Been away from here long,long time
been away from gaming and this forum for around 5/6 yrs due to has this place changed...looking for the guys i used to play battlefield 3/4 on the xbox 360 with....
i still got my 360 and BF4...but why is there hardly anyone on it any more ?like the servers are like dead of people....
now have more free spare time to get back into my gaming with the guys i really need to buy a new xbox one to get the like of BF4 back to what it used to be like ? - full of players...or is it the game has faded and no one plays it now ?
been nice to hear from some of the guys i played many a late night with on BF4 
and what you guys all playing now 
johnny It is almost certainly that the game has faded and people have moved on.
Gamers are fickle these days and you need to keep up by playing the latest titles on the latest systems.
On a positive note, both PS4 and XBox One have some great deals on right now and there’s some great multiplayer titles around now Id like a blast on battlefield 3 but it was completely dead bit annoying. On the ps4 people are still on battlefield but it's like the pros so it's proper hard to get into This is a joke right? Others are replying as if this isn't a joke, so I'm confused. The Xbox One is over 4 years old, so I don't know how that can be 'new'. You can also pick one up for under £150 new.
I bet the X1 bf4 servers still have people on. Great game.