Question Xbox live over 35s clans
Hi just a question is there any clans for the more mature gamers I prefer shooter games like COD and would,like to team up with like minded peopleThanks in advance I'd be up for that - I'm only 11 years over 35  Yeah I'm up for it, I'm well qualified for that clan (although not as qualified as some)... Here here! Sign me up! sounds like a plan for us old gamers . get my xbox one x today.
lets get it sorted. I'm 55 and a sh*t (but enthusiastic) GOW player with an Xbox who is looking forward to PUBG and CODWWII (never played CoD before though) I'm in if you'll have me. Gamer tag Mike1316 Me too - just waiting for it to arrive right now... IM martinh32 I will add you all once my X turns up Great idea
Please add me too
Gt: sparkypups