Best games to experience headphone surround sound
Hi.I have been playing Monster Hunter world a lot recently and, having tried both Atmos for headphones and the in game 3d audio, I am left a bit unimpressed with the surround sound for headphones.
I was hoping that someone could recommend a game where Atmos for headphones really shines.
What game made you say "WOW, this is amasing"?
I have Philips Fidelio X2HR headphones plugged into my controller, my controller is an Elite, I think I remember reading some where that I'd need to use the plug in adaptor thing to get Atmos on the Elite controller... is this true? I’m interested in this too, well I’m actually after some decent headphones for playing pubg, I want to know where I’m being blasted from  Tomb Raider seemed one of the best to me so far. No need for the adaptor with the Elite as far as I know. BF3 for me...............Astro A40's with the volume cranked to the max on the mixamp (forgot it was max volume ) spawned in as engineer and was greeted face to face with a tank, whipped out the RPG and fired !!
Jesus H Christ, it was like the real thing was on my right shoulder !!! :image/gif;base64,R0lGODlhAQABAIAAAAAAAP///yH5BAEAAAAALAAAAAABAAEAAAIBRAA7