CASE ONE Publish time 27-11-2019 02:18:12

Answered Xbox One X Switching between 4k TV and 1080p Monitor

Hi, I have a 4k TV in the living room and my PC monitor quite close by. I want to be able to switch the Xbox over to the 1080p monitor when the main TV is in use by the family.

So I know there are HDMI switches out there but will the Xbox auto detect the display when I switch between the two displays?

Does anyone else use this kind of set-up? There must be!
Thought I'd ask before I go and buy a splitter.


Joe Fernand Publish time 27-11-2019 02:18:13

Have you confirmed the XB1X will work on the PC Monitor?


CASE ONE Publish time 27-11-2019 02:18:15

Xbox One will work with any display that has an HDMI in socket.

I wanted to know if switching between displays with different resolutions would be automatic.

It does! and I do not have to re-enable any additional xbox display settings when going back to 4K. This is good!

I was using this passive HDMI switch. it didn't work correctly when XBox output to TV at 4k, picture kept breaking up intermittently. Worked fine when XBox outputting 1080p.
Might be a dodgy switch. I'm going to borrow a mates identical switch to check.

I should be getting this powered HDMI switch delivered today. I'll let myself know the results on here later...

Joe Fernand Publish time 27-11-2019 02:18:16

'Xbox One will work with any display that has an HDMI in socket' - really 

Passive Bi-directional HDMI device - always a lottery with these devices.

Powered 1x2 Distribution Amp - did you note the device you link to does not support HDR! Also with it being a Distribution Amp you may find it reads the EDID of both Displays even when one Display is in Standby.


CASE ONE Publish time 27-11-2019 02:18:17

So I've finally got round to trying out the powered splitter and it wasn't up to job. Think you are right about the EDID. Stuck at 1080 on both screens.

I borrowed a friends switch which is identical to the first one I bought and it worked. My xbox auto detected the two different screens but more importantly the Xbox retained all the 4k and HDR settings so I didn't have go back in and enable them again which is what I really wanted to know in the first place.
I've returned my switch for replacement.

I think I needed a proper switch not a splitter to do this with two different screen resolutions.
If you have two screens with the same resolution a splitter will be fine.

djbone Publish time 27-11-2019 02:18:18

Thanks for posting this.Good to see experience of one of these that works. I went through quite a few recently before more or less giving up!

Hope you don't mind me asking on your thread, but I wondered if anyone reading this has found one that can successfully switch 4K at 60Hz? (the one linked does 1080p at 60Hz but 4K at 30) - I'm about to get a new 4K monitor and would like to take advantage of the new unlocked refresh rates coming to the X1X

CASE ONE Publish time 27-11-2019 02:18:18


I've made a bit of a boo boo in my haste to post my findings...

This switch does not work when HDR is enabled!

I was doing my tests on the Xbox One X display settings menu so I could see when the console auto detected the resolution etc. The dashboard isn't output at 4k or HDR!

When I fired up a game with 4K HDR last night I got all the issues I had before, artifacts, picture break-up and total blank screens.

It works fine in 4k with everything else enabled but not HDR.

Anyone recommend a HDMI switch?!

next010 Publish time 27-11-2019 02:18:18

This HDMI switch works with 4K HDR and HDMI ARC, personally tested with Xbox One X.

CASE ONE Publish time 27-11-2019 02:18:19

Thanks next010 but I need to split my Xbox HDMI out into two so I can switch between displays not add more input options to a display.

My wish list for this device is:
Passive (not powered)
Physical switch/button
Full fat HDMI 2.2
4K HDR compatible

next010 Publish time 27-11-2019 02:18:20

Ah missed that, I don't think your going to find something passive but this unit may work, it lists , HDCP 2.2 and HDR support.

Be sure to enable the YCC 422 option under Xbox advanced video settings.

Beyond the cheap 2 in 1 output devices your looking at HDMI matrix for cloning the output to multiple outputs and they tend to be more expensive.
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