If voice chat isn't needed, some of the Superlux or Samson headphones on Amazon can offer great sound for even cheaper, although build quality is not the best and they do feel quite cheap in the hand - I've linked the set I had which sounded way way better than their price tag 
https://www.amazon.co.uk/Superlux-Studio-Headphones-HD681EVO-Professional-Black/dp/B00IMEXEMC/ref=sr_1_3?ie=UTF8&qid=1536937721&sr=8-3&keywords=superlux @King Tones@WhiteHartMart
Thank you ever so much for your replies. Voice chat isn't needed as I hardly play online so I'll have a look at some of those cheaper sets you linked to mate. Gonna see how it sounds with my AKGs and take it from there.
Thanks for the suggestions guys keep up the good work
Best wishes
Saf There’s also 94 page thread on Xbox One headphones 
Headphones again! An update.
I recently bought a new dac (Schiit Modi multibit) to see if the SMSL dac was causing the problem; it isn't, shallowness of the sound still exists.
I'm starting to wonder if it's something to do with me being in the preview program.
I also came to the realisation that I can't use the Vmoda Boom Mic with the HD650s so I'm still without a Mic.
I had a look at a usb Mic (I thought about a blue snowball) but Microsoft care more about licensing fees (and people complain about PlayStation being tight?) So there is only one that I can guarantee will work on the Xbox one and its crap apparently.
Not sure what to do now.