I was gonna wait till Xmas and get the other half to buy me one but it was too good a deal to pass up so i just ordered it. Plus I'm dying to play horizon 4 in 4k hdr //static.avforums.com/styles/avf/smilies/clap.gif Yeah, there's some good deals coming out lately. Extremely tempting but still holding out for a deal on Amazon. I know the Forza games are download codes but I'm not sure if FIFA 19 is a download too?
Either way it'll be getting sold in the classified ads on here. Couldn't be less interested in playing it but it'll help offset the cost and justify it to the ball and chain.
All in its over 100 quids worth of games for less than the console normally costs on its own. Makes sense. Fifa 19 can be sold at CEX for £36 cash or £40 for store credit. eBay are doing 10% off everything again so you can get an X with Forza Horizon 4 and Forza Motorsport 7 for £368.86 from Shopto. FIFA 19 is a hard copy. I got the same £410 deal from Amazon but with a Steelbook for Fifa. The game and steel book came yesterday but don't get the console until Tuesday Good to know so that'll be on here for sale next week.. Thats brutal having to wait when you have the game My next day off isn't until Wednesday anyway so not too bad. It's being delivered to work so at least I won't have to spend my day off waiting for it. Smyths are doing good deals, I got an xbox one x with forza horizon 4, forza 7, fifa 19, 3 months xbox live and £10 Microsoft credit for £399.99,there was also a free month of Gamespass in the box too worth £7.99