Xbox one s Atmos distortion
When streaming Spotify or BR through XBox one and Atmos is on it becomes badly distorted.Tried good quality HDMI leads, reinstalling Atmos app,but it wont stop unless i revert back to 7.1 Yup, I'm also getting distortion in games, Amazon prime App and Netflix with Atmos enabled. Switching to DTS fixes the distortion and occasional pops and crackles but obviously you lose out on Atmos sound. I've been searching around for fixes and on this issue but haven't found much. Hoping Microsoft fix soon! I got a Xbox one X ,a few weeks back and it seems to workfine on that;base64,R0lGODlhAQABAIAAAAAAAP///yH5BAEAAAAALAAAAAABAAEAAAIBRAA7 Hmm, it's a One X I have too. I see.
I used a Xbox one s for x2 yearsand had the problem.
Kids took that one oversoI got a X model !
Used it for 2 monthsnow and ok.
Maybe it has a installedupdate?