I'm in love with gaming again.
Loving The Division 2 at the moment.
Although when it gets frantic I can't say I'm taking in all the graphic glory.
One thing I noticed when playing and made me chuckle was the giant bees flying around when I was crouched down behind a wall.
Red dead 2 looks great also. Definitely Assassins Creed Origins & Odyssey and red dead redemption 2. Game that has surprised me the most was Forza 7 - the lighting and weather effects for thunderstorms is top notch - a shame that its such a small element of the game as a whole.
And another vote for RDR2 - haven't played that much of it but its graphically stunning. Besides those already mentioned here,
-Injustice 2
-the crew 2
-Battlefield V
-Call of duty WWII
-Star Wars Battlefront 2
-Far Cry New Dawn (more refined than 5)
Also, special mention to older titles still great in 4K : Forza H3, Forza 7, Titanfall 2 and Quantum Break (1440p) Wwz? Looks like ass on my one x and ps4 pro.
Metro exodus in 4k/hdr is stunning, best looking thing I've seen on my TV.
Forza 7 still blows me away, Rio especially.
Vigor can look pretty, but again, anything without HDR is at a massive disadvantage. Is it HDR? Nevermind, no its not. Its the only one that's isn't which is very odd. That game would shine. Forza Motorsport 7 and Horizon 4 are simply stunning on the X, especially the weather effects in Motorsport 7  I’m currently playing F1 2019 in beautiful 4K60, some of the weather effects are stunning.
The X’s ability to play older games at 4K shouldn’t be overlooked either. Games like Splinter Cell Chaos Theory still holds up today thanks to the power of the X (and the fantastic lighting engine).