ALL members please read pefore posting here
Below is a post made by Sinzer (a previous gaming mod and current member) which has been slightly adapted for current times.It is very apt seeing as we now have a lot of new members so please take a minute to read over.Thanks
Avforums are a place for like-minded enthusiasts to come and talk about their interests.
I have noticed an increase lately on the gaming forums of members becoming increasingly aggressive when discussing their gaming pastime.
This is a reminder that Avforums does not tolerate members being abusive to one another. If you disagree with someone by all means make your case, but do not post sarcastic or derogatory comments about that persons views.
I do not like moderating via locking threads or editing peoples comments, I ask that you moderate yourself so I can concentrate on maintaining the area.
If you have any comments please feel free to PM me.
If cases of derogatory commentary persist, then all involving parties will be warned using new warning system or banned (depending on the severity of the comments) regardless of "who started it".
We all like a little bit of retro gaming, please do not resurface the retro playskool arguments 