weavesno1 Publish time 27-11-2019 01:07:17

FIFA 17 free trial.

Just got an email saying fifa 17 full game free till 06/06/17 and it also says free trial in the PS Store but when I select free trail it says £15.99 or try demo. How do i actually get the game free till the 6th of June??

SteveRock Publish time 27-11-2019 01:07:18

You should check the PSN store regularly, very often there are games on sales at record low prices. However, after playing Fifa 2017, I have to say it's very much harder than the previous version - still getting used to it.

valentinague Publish time 27-11-2019 01:07:19

They usually open the beta for some days to everybody. And people who pre-ordered games have the beta all the time. 
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