Get your PS+ memberships in soon I'm stacked for another 5 years Got the same email, paid up for next two years That's a hefty price hike. Whilst it's still good value if you break it down, I probably won't renew at the higher price mainly because I don't play games enough these days. im out, dont play online games on PS4 and the free games are mainly cheap indies. 50 quid is too much. I recently got 15 months from Amazon for £29.99. So that's 21 months still on the membership.  Wow that was a nice deal, online stores are already upping their prices(shopto was 29.99 and cdkeys 32.89 I think when I flew by just after the email, but both went up before I could reach checkout). I just purchased one from ebay for £34.45 and another from a place called for £32. Won't have to worry for a good long while now. So how many years can you stack at once?I see Jouster is stacked for 5 years, is that the maximum? Have you used electronic first before? Pretty sure there is no maximum. Ok cheers, I'm alright for a few years thanks to Prime Day, but when another deal pops up I'll add another one .