Are you excited for the Shadow of the Colossus remaster?
I made this video to illustrate my love for the game. I'm a sucka for it so I'll be buying the PS4 version.What about you? Excited or do you think SOTC is overrated? Ive already completed it on both the PS2 & PS3, I dont see the need to play it again on the PS4 but for people who have never played it or only on the PS2 its certainly worth a go. Even if it is very frustrating in places. Yes  Ico and Shadow of the Colossus are works of art as far as I'm concerned. I only bought a PS3 - then a PS4 - for the promise of The Last Guardian. So, yes, I'll be getting it again. Don't know when I'll get around to actually playing it but I'll be excited for it. Never ever played the original so yes, I am excited to see this realised with modern graphics. Gameplay sounds fun. Hope it's exciting as it looks.