vanders Publish time 27-11-2019 00:40:54

This is the first time that Sony has dropped the ball in a long time. This PS4 Pro has the Sega 32x / Mega CD written all over it

James Thomas 75 Publish time 27-11-2019 00:40:54

Bugger. A max output of 310w's...
What's the standard PS4's power output,in comparison?

thewoe2 Publish time 27-11-2019 00:40:54

165w's i think

BingoBongo275 Publish time 27-11-2019 00:40:54

Disappointed with what I've seen from the Pro. I think it needed a UHD drive to really convince me and leaving that off just seems daft.

Either that or it's a short-term decision and next year we'll get the "PS4 Pro UHD Plus" (sigh)

HugoFJH Publish time 27-11-2019 00:40:55

The UHD drives themselves would still cost a fair amount in production cost , even more if they buy them in from external (as Sony dont yet have a UHD drive of their own on the market).

Any reason why they cant do an external drive for lets say $100 or something

fubar925 Publish time 27-11-2019 00:40:55

I think the lack of UHD Blu ray drive is a massive balls up by sony... Not a day one purchase for me now but same for the xbox S I stayed clear of that for the same reason not enough of a upgrade. It seems that Sony have done this on purpose..! What's the chances of a model with UHD drive within six months oh and it will be slim so PS4 proSlim... I might trademark it.

Oswald Publish time 27-11-2019 00:40:55

Huge 'miss' from Sony by not including a UHD drive with PS4 Pro. 
(Making the XBOX One S more attractive than I initially thought...)

zt1903 Publish time 27-11-2019 00:40:56

250w is the equivalent max power spec.

70-140w is its normal power range depending on use.

thestig230 Publish time 27-11-2019 00:40:56

Well that went from a "Must Buy" to a "I'll just keep my launch console". I can stream 4k content direct from the apps on my 4K TV, no need to spend £350 for the privilege.

BAMozzy Publish time 27-11-2019 00:40:56

I have pre-ordered myself! I am disappointed by the lack of a 4k HDR Bluray player and cannot understand Sony's decision - unless they plan to bring out PS4 Prowith 4k HDR Bluray player and 6 tflops next christmas...

However given the choice of a 4k HDR Bluray player that also plays 'games' at 720-900p (occasionally 1080) or a games console offer up to 4k HDR gaming with the 'best' console gaming performance but no 4k HDR Player, I opt for the Gaming console! I can't remember the last time I watched a Bluray let alone used my console for something other than gaming. My TV has 4k Streaming (If I wanted) so I wouldn't buy a console for that specifically.

Like I said I am a little disappointed about Sony's decision on this but as a gamer first and foremost, the thought of ALL new games being at least 1080p (BF1 on XB1/s 720p, PS4 900p, PS4 pro 1080p ), smoother maybe better frame rates and/or enhanced visual features(like HDR or better shadows/textures/lighting/particle effects etc) offsets a lot of that. It will do for my primary console, with my XB1 as just for exclusives - at least until Scorpio comes out!
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