markgodley Publish time 27-11-2019 00:36:06

PS4 speed test wildly inaccurate

Is it just me or is the PS4 speed test wildly inaccurate?

I have a 200meg connection and connecting my laptop to the router via Ethernet gives me a speed of 200-207meg connection. Yet i unplug my laptop and connect my PS4 and do a speed test and i get a 27meg result?

tazmago Publish time 27-11-2019 00:36:07

Yes I get the same thing, telling me my download speed is approx 10% of what I normally get.Xbox One is fine and shows full speed, but PS4 is all over the place.I think it's just how the PS4 estimates the speed that is wrong, my download speed on PS4 is usually pretty good.I also find that downloading seems to be faster when the PS4 is in rest mode.

Demosthene Publish time 27-11-2019 00:36:09

Rest mode for PS4 will increase your download speed dramatically as it shuts down everything apart from your downloads, allowing your PS4 to download significantly faster, my download speed shows at 87mbps which is lower than the truth but downloads a lot faster than anyone that I know.

Don't trust the system and use and abuse the download speed of rest mode to download faster.
Kind Regards


hippo99 Publish time 27-11-2019 00:36:10

Yes, but why is this the case? If I'm downloading something on a PC, it doesn't slow down just because you're playing a game/doing something else on the PC.

markgodley Publish time 27-11-2019 00:36:11

Interesting stuff.

But how do you actually know that it's downloading faster in rest mode, how would see the download speeds when in rest mode? Obviously if you were playing online via the PS4 it would be reduced, but a lot of the time these are game updates, which mean that you can't do anything whilst it's downloading anyway.

hippo99 Publish time 27-11-2019 00:36:12

Downloads also pause when you play a different game (well they do on my PS4 anyway).

Philw101 Publish time 27-11-2019 00:36:13

Don't forget that while you may have a fast internet connection from your house to the cabinet/ISP. The sony PSN has to share its connections with lots of people, so ultimately your download speed to the PSN will vary depending on this traffic.

Another thing I would check is your connection from the PS4 to the router, is it a Gigabit or a 10/100 connection?  If you are still using a 10/100 router, it might be worth upgrading to an gigabit connection! 

leamspaceman Publish time 27-11-2019 00:36:14

Has always been this way and it was/is the case on PS3 as well.

Psycidelicos Publish time 27-11-2019 00:36:15

I am hoping the PS4 Pro fixes this and more importantly is able to detect and connect to my 5g 100mbps internet.

RiseAbove Publish time 27-11-2019 00:36:16

Yeah, same here. I'm on super fast infinity broadband and whilst sometimes it works out right most of the time it reads at a quarter of the speed I actually get, no idea why! Would be nice to have an adequate reading..
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