ryzer30 Publish time 27-11-2019 00:34:35

Ghost Recon is out in a months time - be all over that when it comes out

I dont have the Beta, the lads that have played it so far, care to report back please??

Deccy says hi to everyone by the way (been online with him on MW3 on Xbox)

Also Dan - Trails Evoulution, class wee game that on the XBOX, way better than the first one, even that was class

Dan684 Publish time 27-11-2019 00:34:36

have you bought the full game ryan?

ryzer30 Publish time 27-11-2019 00:34:37


ryzer30 Publish time 27-11-2019 00:34:39

Lads A2A 2012 meet up - details over on our private forum chaps please go take a look at your thoughts etc etc

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Right lads the time has come for the 2012 A2A meet up

Looking at locations and where everyone is based in the UK

Last year we did Preston/ blackpool - thanks to Stuey for arranging

This year looking at a weekend away fri to sun

Locations for party towns (ideally somewhere central to everyone) try to keep it within a 3-4hr max travel for us all if can.. obviously likes of myself ash etc will be at that most should be around 2 hours

1. Leeds
2. Manchester - Stoke on trent (add in an alton towers for the day) party at night
3. Cardiff

Open to other ideas as well (put leeds top as in central to most) wicked woman, great bars and clubs and lap dancers, decently priced and bars open till 3am clubs till 6am

Dates and weekends everyone can do, was thinking like July or Aug gives everyone a few months to save some pennies up

I be happy to look at hotels, B&B, Flat apartments get costing etc and look to organise VIP for clubs etc etc and organise what we do throughout the day... again open to ideas on all of this as well

StevePSIV Publish time 27-11-2019 00:34:40

Anyone playing Ghost Recon?

ryzer30 Publish time 27-11-2019 00:34:41

yeh mate, myself, craig, ben, ash, kyza are all playing it... the party systems isnt working to well, we struggle to get more than 2 joining and in some case cant even!!! Apparently there is a fix coming out for it

Am loving it though

Also download the touch app (messenger one mate) voxer kept failing on us, once registered on there add me ryanpgibb and i will invite u into the group chat mate

StevePSIV Publish time 27-11-2019 00:34:41

Will do this evening mate.

Did you read about the region problem?Might have something to do with why you can't join each other?

What account are you playing on?

ryzer30 Publish time 27-11-2019 00:34:42

Yeh saw that, possibly could be, either way hopefully it should be fixed soon, think craig has tweeted them, so expect him to be along soon and post the latest findings

using my ryanpgibb for the time being until i gradually get my whole friends list transferred over to the De-V8 one

Craig8718 Publish time 27-11-2019 00:34:42

Did someone say my name? 

Craig8718 Publish time 27-11-2019 00:34:43

So erm, yeah ... Ubisoft have made a massive balls up!

I've been able to connect to Ryan and that's it so far. Just put it down to general new release issues and assumed they would be quickly ironed out. Then I got a message from Kyza over PSN asking if I'd read the Ubisoft forums....which lead me to this thread: "PlayStation3 Owners please check your game data utility". | Forums

Basically, from what I can tell, pretty much everyone in the UK has been given an RU copy of the game instead of EU (you can check what yours is by going to game data utility and it will have the code at the end ). The announcement in the above thread states that this should only effect co-op and guerilla modes, not standard MultiPlayer but it clearly does.

I raised a ticket with Ubisoft about these issues on the 31st, it's now the 7th and I still haven't received a reply. Looking at the above Ubisoft forums, almost every single thread created is about multiplayer issues so they must be getting hounded with emails and complaints.

I did manage to speak to someone from @UbisoftSupport on Twitter yesterday and he chased the progress of my ticket. Their wasn't much he could suggest as that Twitter account only deals with US issues, but he suggested a patch would be imminent.

I hope it is soon because the game is fantastic IMO, but it gets ruined when you're in a party of greenies who won't react to objectives. In a squad of 4 this game will be fantastic.

I just can't believe how it is even possible for one of the largest game publishers in the world to make such a massive cock up and distribute RU games in the UK! //static.avforums.com/styles/avf/smilies/facepalm.gif 
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