MikeKay1976 Publish time 27-11-2019 00:24:10

possibly stupid question setting up the display

My new tv is set to arrive at the weekend. ...... its only major flaw is that at 1080p it has a lot of lag for gaming but at 4k it is not so bad.

Can i set my ps4pro up to output @4kRGB at all times and still play games at the 1080p setting for the increased frame rate?

I am very sensitive to dodgy framerates in games so it is rare indeed that i will game at native 4k on the pro, but at the same time would rather not have the added lag timethat the sony TV has when gaming at 1080P


next010 Publish time 27-11-2019 00:24:11

Don't own a PS4 Pro but from my understanding once the Pro is set to output 2160p/4K you only get the game modes that are made available by the developer. If a developer offers a performance mode it will run at a internal lower resolution then be upscaled to the 4K output of the PS4 Pro.

If a developer doesn't offer a performance option then you get nothing.

PS4 Pro boost mode helps games which don't take advantage of the PS4 Pro but it is limited.The PS4 Pro emulates a PS4 down to the performance, so without a PS4 Pro enhanced title or boost mode you don't really see much of a benefit.

JonJ Publish time 27-11-2019 00:24:12

I find no lag issues but keep my Pro set to 4K at all times. My Sony (XE9305) also had slow 1080p lag.

I assume the Pro is doing all upscaling and I have no issues on any of my old and new games.

tazmago Publish time 27-11-2019 00:24:13

Yes if you set the PS4 Pro to output 4K, your tv (which I assume is a Sony XE9305 or XF9005), will always receive a 4K signal and you will get the 24ms input lag.Any game you are playing will be upscaled by the console to 4K.If you set the PS4 Pro to output 1080p, then the 4K tv will do the upscaling, but as you said this will give you 40ms input lag which is not ideal.

Some tvs will upscale better than the console, but unfortunately with Sony tvs with the X1 extreme processor this causes lag, shame really since the X1E is fantastic at upscaling lower resolution content.

I’ll be getting the XF90 next week so I’ve been looking into the same things as you .
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