PS3 word processor?
Are there any basic PS3 word processor's available, something like notepad. Likewise for any other office applications? no there isn't unless you install linux. You could try Google Docs, might work! no doesnt work im afraid  Ah that's a shame  It seems a real omission not to have some office applications, particularly a word processor, what with printer and keyboard support. I don't see a word processor as a necessity. The PS3 is first a games console, second a Blu-ray player, third a HTPC ... and last a personal computer. At least that's what I assume is the order for the average PS3 owner. I also doubt that a word processor without full MS Word-compatibility would do much good for most people.Like previously stated in the post, if you want a PS3 personal computer there's always the Linux way.  I can't think of anything my PS3 would find more insulting than using it as a word processor...   Reading PDFs though would be a nice addition! Just install linux and you can do all that stuff, it's really not difficult to do.