PS4 on 2 TVs? Possible?
Hi hope you might be able to help...I have my PS4 in living room but my oldest son is getting to that age now what where he is interested in gaming. We have a TV in conservatory approx 15m away which I let him play on but it's constantly unplugging PS4 and going back and forth.Without running a 15-20m hdmi cable and constantly switching it over is there another solution like wireless method or something?? Can't buy another PS4 budget is tight at this time of year
Rob The Best Wireless HDMI Video Transmitter for 2018
Not the cheapest method but it would certainly save you a hassle and is cheaper than buying another PS4 Your son can play games remotely using PS remote play.A free software for PC and Sony Xperia phones.I play ps4 games regularly on my Sony Xperia via ps remoteplay when I am in my bedroom, with my dualschock controller paired up.I've also played on PC and it works remarkable well. The main thing is to have a fast home network speed, ideally 5ghz (802.11ac).
Could that be an option for you? It's potentially zero cost.At least an interim solution. There was also a sony PlayStation TV product that streamed it to another TV anywhere in the world over your internet connection. Not sure they sell it anymore but it worked well when I had one a fewyears ago for my son. (He then got his own console so I sold it) Tbh this sounds kinda useful with a tiny screen but that being said... I'm sure you could use it for a tablet instead and then this becomes probably the best situation (providing you already have a tablet) And one more
Well, I'm afraid only works on Sony smartphones, ie their Xperia range.But Sony has released Remote Play on PC desktop or laptop for playing on a bigger screen.
Although I say Remote play only works on Sony phones,non Sony phones can actually run it too but requires "rooting" which is basically hacking and is somewhat of a risk if one is not careful.I don't recommend that.I would recommend the windows desktop/laptop if your son does not have a Sony Xperia phone
Edit: oh I just realise Sony do Xperia tablets too Thank you for all of your replies...... this may take some thinking I was wondering if there was some kind of 30quid magic fix but doesnt look that way 