SilentE Publish time 27-11-2019 00:18:24

Yeah! If you're into the PS2 a guy on ebay sells a modded one with 1,000PS2 and 1,000PS1 games on it! But it isn't cheap! It's around $500 but your getting almost the whole PS1/PS2 game catalog.

I'm almost tempted to buy one myself when I have the extra money. I already have a regular PS2 with a few games but that would be awesome to have almost every game of those two eras that would cost thousands if bought separately.

The Real Ultimate modded PS2:1,101 PS2 Games Complete PS1 Collection Emulators| eBay

paulfoley Publish time 27-11-2019 00:18:25

You could get one of these, a 32gb Raspberry Pi 3B (with power supply) and then buy a prebuilt 32gb image download from ebay (just use the search term "32gb pi image"). Now just burn image to the card using Win32DiskImager(free), insert, turn on, press some buttons on the controller & hey presto you have a multi use console 

PS - Watch afew You Tube ids if the above is confusing, its really quite easy though.

jonathanrace Publish time 27-11-2019 00:18:26

In case you're interested, the PS1 classic has already been cracked. Apparently it was stupidly easy too. Rumors are it was intentionally weak to allow for people to run the games that Sony couldn't get the licenses for.

Of course there's no way to prove that, but... the result is the same. If you are going down the route of retro gaming consoles anyway then it's something to consider.
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