Which do I get first: PS4 Pro or 4K UHD HDR TV?
The budget is limited as to what I can get first, so I can't get both at the same time.Any recommendations? I have had ps pro a while now and still only use 1080p tv
Waiting for 65" oled to come down in price before i upgrade to 4k. So, you're recommending that I get the PS4 Pro first and then get the TV after? I was just informing you that i have ps4 pro and with the super sampling/ boost mode i can wait for a tv upgrade.
Tech gets cheaper and oled prices are dropping. So if i were you i would get ps4 pro first then save for tv as prices will have dropped further time you have saved up 
But it depends on how much your looking to spend on a tv. I had the PS4 Pro first and didn’t upgrade to a 4K TV until the X was released but I would rather have the superior console on a 1080p TV than an inferior console on a 4K TV.