PSN ID Name changing
Looks like it’s finally going to happen. Preview testers this year and looking to roll out next year.First name change will be free. After that £7.99 or £3.99 for PSmembers.
PSN Online ID Change feature enters PlayStation Preview Program soon sounds reasonable doubt i will change mine but glad it will be an option for others.
im wondering how it will effect ps3 At last! I've been wanting to change mine for ages so this is good news. i read this on IGN now i know IGN most of the time are full of it but this surely cant be true
"not all games will support the name change adjustment. Only games released after April 1, 2018 are guaranteed to work with the name change, while a selection of other games — to be revealed later — will work with it. PlayStation has also noted very specifically that not all PS4, PS3, and Vita games and applications will work with this process.
PlayStation's announcement also confirmed that some of this incompatibility may lead to issues with name changes, and so players may have to revert back to their old ID's in certain cases." Seems this option is finally coming
PSN Online ID Change feature enters PlayStation Preview Program soon From what I've read, this is a bit of a fudge, you're not changing your PSN ID, you're adding a new one and this new one may or not be shown instead of your original PSN ID depending how old the game displaying it is. That's not going to be confusing at all.. It sounds like the PSN name change is really a "mask" over the old one and only newer games will be able to recognise it.
Perfectly happy with mine, but I guess all the kids (now adults) who set up id's like "xX-I-Am-Da-Biz-Xx" will be happy! They're doing it now in the hope everyone who wants to change, changes and come PS5 people won't have any issues or want to play BC So I take it that you read the official Sony Playstation Blog post announcing this new changing ID feature, that was linked in post #1 then? //;base64,R0lGODlhAQABAIAAAAAAAP///yH5BAEAAAAALAAAAAABAAEAAAIBRAA7
PSN Online ID Change feature enters PlayStation Preview Program soon nope i didnt because frankly i thought a name change would be comprehensive and include everything my mistake. I should have realized sonys implementation would be some kind of half measure