MKV2VOB Remove DTS Patch
I have previously used MKV2VOB to play MKV files on the PS3, as you may know the application updates the header to trick the PS3 the audio is PCM.I am having issues removing this "trick" as I am now going to use another device to play the files.I've read the media guide that is sticky on this forum that shows the steps below with no success.It looks like the issue may be during the first step, as tsremux sees the audio as PCM to begin with, see screenshots below.Help;base64,R0lGODlhAQABAIAAAAAAAP///yH5BAEAAAAALAAAAAABAAEAAAIBRAA7Removal of mkv2vob DTS patch - thanks to easyrider for this information!
Using the mkv2vob information above, you can see that, if you want DTS, the application patches the resultant file tricking the PS3 into passing-through DTS. However, if you then go and delete the original, the patched file's audio will be unplayable on other devices.
To make the patched file's audio playable, perform the following :
1. Use TSremux to remux the the mpg with the "PS3" DTS stream in to M2TS file. (takes about 2mins on )
2. Load the M2TS file into TSmuxer and Demux
3. You will have two seperate files one H264 video file and one .WAV file
4.Open MKVMerge and load both the H264 video stream and the .WAV file
5.Start Mux
What you are left with is a MKV file with DTS 6 channel audio that will play on other devices.
/proxy.php?image= Hi there,
Any luck with removing the DTS patch? I've tried the steps above as well to no avail.
Any help will be greatly appreciated...
Cheers! Have you chosen none from extra options for both video and audio in mkv merge like my guide states? Just tried that. Didn't work... Your guide is the one mentioned above, isn't it? I'm following it to the letter. What about tsremux and tsmuxer options? Just leave them as shown above in the pics? Can you spilt the file into an H264 and wav file?
do that and post a screen shot of the two files please I also had no luck with this guide, I just gave up and left the files as is.I just used Plex to stream the files with no issues, used a PC running the Plex client with a HDMI connection to a receiver.It plays VOB's with the DTS patch with no issues.Plex shows the audio as PCM 2 channel, but the receiver still decodes the audio to DTS. Did anyone ever find a solution to this problem? I have tried the above guide without succes I have found a solution for this issue. There is one step missing, which is to convert wav file to DTS using eac3to.