Darango Publish time 27-11-2019 00:09:24

Can anyone answer a few questions about the performance of their PlayStation?

I am a high school student doing a project on the hardware of a PS4. I am looking for just a few answers to help me with some research.

1. How long have you had your PS4
2. How often do you use your PS4
3. How would you rate your PS4’s performance (1-5)
4. Do you have any problems with the hardware of your console? If so, what?
5. If you said yes to the previous question, what have you done about these problems and what?

Robothamster Publish time 27-11-2019 00:09:25

1. Since release in Nov 2013
2. Few days per week.
3. 4
4. No
5. N/A

FadgewackeR Publish time 27-11-2019 00:09:26

1. Since release in Nov 2013
2. A couple of nights per week.
3. 4
4. No
5. N/A

OG PS4 Pro
1. Since release in Nov 2016
2. Daily
3. 5
4. No
5. N/A

pixel8 Publish time 27-11-2019 00:09:27

1. Since release 2013
2. every night
3. 5
4. No
5. N/A

PS4 Pro
1. Since release 2016
2. few nights a week
3. 4
4. Bit noisy at night
5. Nothing - not that bothered by it 

TheyCallMeTJ Publish time 27-11-2019 00:09:28

Console: PS4 Slim

1. How long have you had your PS4? 3 wonderful years
2. How often do you use your PS4?Everyday
3. How would you rate your PS4’s performance (1-5)? 5
4. Do you have OR HAD any problems with the hardware of your console? If so, what? Yes, Dualshock controller L2 button was frequently triggering on its own
5. If you said yes to the previous question, what have you done about these problems and what?Under the two year warranty, John Lewis gave me a brand new Dualshock Controller off the shelf.

Good luck with your research.Feel free to expand your questions.
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