Clash of clans recruitment
Hi guys looking to recruit some people into my clash of clans clan and was wondering if anyone on this forum wanted to join. Just created a new clan and wanted to add sone fresh facesClan id is #j2yuug92
Comment your usernames so I can accept 
Thanks in advance There is already a forum clan called but good luck with yours D: i didnt know about this one, whats the clan code? #L0QCV9J If it's up and running I booted from main for not reading chat Kingkonk  Oh mines running if you wanna join. Just kinda building Kingconk, the main reason was you were requesting large numbers of troops and not donating anything back. Every time you put up a new request this was mentioned in chat. You are welcome to return but only if you play an active part in the clan, reading chat, donating troops, taking part in clan games etc. Cheers super, I can see that...I had just stopped donating for a while as it had got a battle to be able to as any request was always filled long before being able to train the troops requested so I had kind of given up and was just getting into the long th11 slog. I did try to rejoin just to explain as I hadn't seen the chat and had no message, but it was a ban not a kick Thanks for the explanation. It’s only a 24 hour ban, but Golds Gym looks a good clan too.