Jim Di Griz Publish time 26-11-2019 22:44:38

Been thinking about doing this for ages but just want a working as soon as possible solution. Ive got Mame up and running on laptop so presumably roms will be fine on a Pi 3?

addyb Publish time 26-11-2019 22:44:39

Yep should do. I haven't touched mine for ages. I go in phases with my retro plays. At least I know it's still all available for me when I want another dabble.

bash Publish time 26-11-2019 22:44:40

I will start an Rpi project eventually (when I get the cash) although I'm also keen for a port of Coin-ops to make its jump from the original Xbox to the pi. Whilst it's not 100% that it will there have been hints dropped by its developer that he's waiting on a more powerful iteration. Most likely rPi 4 which is probably still a year or 2 away from release.

What you can get going now via retropie is still very impressive though

amardilo Publish time 26-11-2019 22:44:41

My Retropie seems to hang when I try to find Bluetooth devices (I have a Raspberry Pi 3 with an up to date version of Retropie). Anyone else have this and know a way around it?

oldman100 Publish time 26-11-2019 22:44:42

Been toying with the idea for some time, unfortunately I read this thread and I've just caved in and ordered :-
64GB Retropie & Kodi Emulator 38,000Video Games Raspberry Pi Arcade 3 MAME - 2x Highest quality SNES controllers. bla bla bla bla plus an arcade stick thanks to addyb posting pics of his.
I think it was the pre-installed ROM's that did the trick for me, pity it can't do Dreamcast but still plenty to reminisce about 
I've always subscribed to Retro Gamer mag but when it comes to actually playing retro games I've never really bothered despite still owning most of the original systems. Great memories from the past that I don't want to spoil I guess.

Jim Di Griz Publish time 26-11-2019 22:44:43

Yeah I caved in too mainly thanks to this thread. Looking forward to this...

oldman100 Publish time 26-11-2019 22:44:43

In preparation, I've checked YouTube videos of the top 10 games for MAME, SNES, Neo Geo, Megadrive etc, there seems to be more side scrolling beat em ups than I ever recall from my youth.

I still subscribe to my thought that retro games are best left as rose tinted memories (for me at least), which in turn provoke further memories of what was going on in my life at that particular time.

I should have my kit delivered on Thursday, so we'll see how it goes.

Jim Di Griz Publish time 26-11-2019 22:44:43

I dont need to check youtube to remember

oldman100 Publish time 26-11-2019 22:44:43

Go on then hit me with your top ten recommendations for MAME etc

Jim Di Griz Publish time 26-11-2019 22:44:43

Top of my head...Final Fight, Asteroids, Mr Do, Pacmania, Galaxians, Bubble Bobble....too many, cant remember them all!
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