Lancia34 Publish time 26-11-2019 22:44:57


Quite a few videos on it and you can download and add them if you want different affects. Some interesting ideas with CRT scan lines etc...

Been checking on my heat issues and seems that some people have removed the heatsinks they bought (cheap ones with thermal sticker as opposed to paste) and the temp drops so might try that before buying a case with a fan.

Lancia34 Publish time 26-11-2019 22:44:57

Right, ordered a new case with a fan to hopefully drop the temperature. Removing the heatsink didn't really make any difference, not that I was getting any problems running stuff just the temperature icon.

I have to say I'm loving Retropie at the moment, was flicking through testing a load of games last night - some cracking stuff on there (and some old systems that were difficult to get running so might ditch such as MSX).
Going to be difficult to get back to finished Witcher 3 

markgray86 Publish time 26-11-2019 22:44:57

Tried using my old Raspberry Pi 1 model B last night which was gathering dust. Put some SNES Roms on there, looks terrible on my 55inch TV! Not expecting it to look great due to age of the games etc but is there anything I can do to make it look not so rubbish? Also had some running issues and the sound wasn't great, Would this be down to the old Pi I am using, would the Pi 3 be better or are there settings I need to change?

Nivek TT Publish time 26-11-2019 22:44:57

Some people loved their case stickers, Really impressed with the skins from u/choccyhobnob !!! Thanks for making these! Anyone else order one from RB? • r/RetroPie

Lancia34 Publish time 26-11-2019 22:44:57

Were you running the latest version of Retropie? They don't look great on my 65", quite pixelated and a few games like Afterburner look really bad but most are perfectly playable and the good fun.
You need to make sure you aren't stretching the screen to fit so they should be in 4:3 not 16:9 as they weren't make for that.
The newer versions of Retropie have shaders etc... but not sure your old Pi will be able to run those.

markgray86 Publish time 26-11-2019 22:44:58

Is v4.1 I believe. It wasn't full screen, had black bars at the sides. Will check tonight about getting it to 4:3 and see if shaders work on my Pi. Thanks

Lancia34 Publish time 26-11-2019 22:44:58

If it had black bars at the side then sounds like it's 4:3 already. Maybe post a screenshot? You have to remember on a large screen they will look very pixelated. The various shaders along with video smoothing (also in the setup menu) can help make it look smoother but I've tried several SNES games and they look ok to me - don;t expect the quality you remember from playing on a 14" CRT 

markgray86 Publish time 26-11-2019 22:44:58

Yeah, understand it wont be like what I remember it being. Would it look better on a new smaller TV? might have one of them kicking around somewhere

markgray86 Publish time 26-11-2019 22:44:58

Will probably get the Pi3 ordered. Also looking to get a controller, was going to get the 8Bitdo SFC30 SNES controller, but now I am thinking of getting NES30 Pro or FC30 Pro which both have analogue sticks so I can use with PS games. Are these controllers good for using with PS games?

Lancia34 Publish time 26-11-2019 22:44:58

Haven't tried the FC30 Pro on PSX games. The analogue sticks seem quite good although a bit small and might be fiddly but I'll give them a go. The pad generally though is very nice.
I might end up using an old PS3 controller for PSX stuff.
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