oldman100 Publish time 26-11-2019 22:44:49

I think I've been slightly fortunate in that my ebay seller claimed to have pre selected working MAME roms so I've not experienced too many duds.

Played through one of the Aliens horizontal scrolling shooters from start to finish, even at 10p a credit it would have cost me a small fortune. Thoroughly enjoyed it even if it was a tad repetitive.

Only tried the intro for Donkey Kong on the N64 and it didn't appear to be running too smoothly.

Lancia34 Publish time 26-11-2019 22:44:49

Those old arcade games are brutal aren't they?

I got N64 working (only tested Super Mario which worked fine) but couldn't get PSX to show at all even with the BIOS etc... all correct.

Joined the Retorpie group on FB and some people are doing some amazing things and really customising it. Not sure I have the time but I might look at trying to get all the Mame stuff working including newer games like the later Streetfighter EX, not sure if it's possible though.

Definitely need an arcade stick though 

oldman100 Publish time 26-11-2019 22:44:49

I've checked out a few PlayStation games, I have approx 50, tried 4 or 5 of them and all work perfectly, but none of my N64 games of which there's 350 seem to run smoothly at all, apparently there's multiple emulators to choose from so I need to play around I guess.

I'll check out what I have on MAME for Streetfighter but when I glanced it seemed like a heck of a lot, not really a Streetfighter fan to be honest.

oldman100 Publish time 26-11-2019 22:44:50

I just took a look, loads of Streetfighter roms on MAME, Streetfighter 3 Alpha works perfectly but Streetfighter EX & EX2 are no go.

Lancia34 Publish time 26-11-2019 22:44:50

Yep - found out there's another emulator for those. So, I think I might clear out my MAME roms and start again just going for the ones I want. Those Streetfighter and similar ones I believe use the NeoGeo BIOS (fbalpha) so can set them up specifically to use that.

There's also better way of getting N64 working and with proper 1080p output so it looks better by configuring the emulator

Optimization for Nintendo 64 · RetroPie/RetroPie-Setup Wiki · GitHub
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I'm generally happy with Megadrive, NES and SNES and have a load of Spectrum, C64 but doubt I'll use those much. Got ScummVM working fine so think I'll get rid of any emulators on the menu I don't want and start organising the main ones - might take a few months though 

DpM Publish time 26-11-2019 22:44:50

I have found some N64 titles don't run too well, Mario Tenins, Doom 64. I have a few more to try and am away for work 3 nights this week so ill shove it in my bag an hope the TV in the hotel has HDMI.
PSX games are working really well though, not had one not work as yet.

For pads I am using a 360 wired pad and a madcatz street fighter 4 usb pad. I want to get something wireless at some point so might get an 8bitdo NES30 Pro later down the line.

Jim Di Griz Publish time 26-11-2019 22:44:50

Ordered an 8bitdo SNES pad and Ill post thoughts once Ive got it.

Thinking about this - what do you guys reckon? Its pretty cheap really and I might just get one to see what its like. Comments say it works fine with a Pi.

PS4 Fighting Stick Mini: Amazon.co.uk: PC & Video Games

Lancia34 Publish time 26-11-2019 22:44:50

I have that as one of my possibilities. Think it looks ok but not sure whether to pay more for better quality. You want a proper click from the buttons the the stick to be pretty strong.

Maybe some reviews on Youtube?

Lancia34 Publish time 26-11-2019 22:44:51

Tested the Universal scraper last night and does a good job. Outpiuts a great image with a screenshot and cover but no description which the built in scraper does. Think I prefer this one though as the you can actually see what the games look like 

Got my PSX roms showing after renaming them .z files but non of them loaded so presuming there's an issue with the files. Removed all the emulators I don't need and need to add in Master System and a few others. The power switch I bought works a treat as well.

Slowly getting there 

oldman100 Publish time 26-11-2019 22:44:51

Am I right in saying that Dreamcast stuff is a no go?
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