Publish time 26-11-2019 22:40:47
Are we talking best games ever here or just great games?
Here's 10 I would play again (and have) in no particular order:
Zelda - Link to the Past
Zelda - Breath of the Wild
Super Mario 64
Final Fantasy Tactics
Chrono Trigger
Half Life
Far Cry
The Last of Us
Uncharted 2
Demons Souls
Castlevania - Symphony of the Night
Fallout 3/4
The Witcher 3
15 games, sorry.
Publish time 26-11-2019 22:40:47
My top ten, on various consoles are:
Kick off 2 - Amiga
Match Day 2 - Spectrum
Tekken 1 & 2 - PS2
Conflict Desert Storm 1 & 2 - PS2
Command and Conquer, Red Alert 2 - PC
Medieval Total War - PC
Rainbow Six, Vegas 6 2 - Xbox360
Battlefield Bad company 2 - Xbox360
Publish time 26-11-2019 22:40:47
these are games that i happily replay all the time
mass effect trilogy
fallout 3
last of us
bioshock trilogy
resistance fall of man 2 and 3
dead space trilogy
gears of war trilogy
heavy rain
beyond two souls
batman arkham asylum
alien isolation
Publish time 26-11-2019 22:40:48
I can't do 10, really tried, failed :
Uncharted Series (apart from #1)
Burnout Revenge
Assassins Creed II
Batman Arkham City
Mass Effect Trilogy
Worms W.M.D
Portal & Portal 2
Forza Horizon 3
Fallout 3 / 4
Ico / Shadow of the Colossus / The Last Guardian
SSX Tricky / SSX 3
Publish time 26-11-2019 22:40:48
or copying Toasty, number #1 from 10 different systems  :
ZX Spectrum: Head Over Heals
Amiga: Flashback
PlayStation: Final Fantasy VII
Dreamcast: Power Stone 2
PS2: SSX Tricky
Wii: Super Mario Galaxy 2
Xbox 360: Portal \ Portal 2
PS3: Uncharted 2
PS4: Skyrim
Xbox One: Forza Horizon 3
that was fun. thanks OP.
Publish time 26-11-2019 22:40:48
Ooh, I think I will have a go at this! Based on systems I've played on and/or owned - likely going to be an RPG theme:
Crystal Warriors - Game Gear (think shining force but a bit more basic)
Jet Force Gemini - N64
Ocarina of Time - N64
Zero Escape Trilogy- DS/3DS (grouped, but simply bonkers)
Team Fortress 2 - PC
Final Fantasy 7-9 - PS 1 (grouped, as I loved all of these)
Deus Ex - PC
Mario Kart - Wii
Tony Hawks 2 - PS1
Pokémon - DS/3DS - (grouped and love the series, even if it's for kids)
Modest, but when I really think hard about it, these are games that had real definition when I was growing up and growing older.
Publish time 26-11-2019 22:40:49
Good call, FF7 tends to get the credit and I was guilty of this too in this thread, but all 7-9 were an absolute pleasure to play back in the day..
Publish time 26-11-2019 22:40:49
Some people couldn't cope with how different they were but I thought it was a great thing - all so different in style and substance - especially the mechanics around setting your party up.
Materia Vs junction Vs jobs. It was great! FF12 board seems good but only just started out.
Noahs Dad
Publish time 26-11-2019 22:40:49
The following are easy to get into and great fun:
1. Speedball 2 (SMS)
2. Super Mario Bros 3 (NES)
3. Toe Jam & Earl (SMD)
4. Golden Axe (SMD)
5. Road Rash 2 (SMD)
6. Duke Nukem 3D (PC)
7. Simpsons (ARCADE/Emulator)
While these are quite expansive and more slow burners, but have amazing depth:
8. Populous (SMS)
9. Wonderboy III The Dragons Trap (SMS)
10. Command & Conquer: Red Alert (PC)
Not my definitive top 10 or anything but all these games I love and have 1 thing in common, they are great classics!
Toe Jam & Earl really should have been remastered long before now for a modern console. It is perfect for the Switch...
Publish time 26-11-2019 22:40:49
At the time of each system these were my favs
Atari - River RAID
C64 - Revenge of the Mutant Camels
Mega drive - Micro
N64 - Golden Eye
PS1 - F1 (linked with another PS1)
PS2 - Tekken 2
GC - Pikmin
DC - Alien Front Online
Xbox - Halo
Ps3 - Burnout
360 - Bioshock
Xbox One - Fallout 4