mystery 1990's flying bicycle arcade machine
Am trying to identify a game I played in an arcade in the 1990's. It was not overly common either, think I only played it in 2 different arcades.It was however quite unique, basically a bicycle machine, you sat on a saddle and steered directions up/down/left/right with handlebars. You had to work your feet hard and pedal like a maniac if you wanted to go at a fast speed. The game was based in the sky and over sea and land etc, and the bike had wings that flapped when you pedalled.
The aim of the game as far as I can vaguely recall was popping balloons and steering through hoops etc, to score points and reach the end in a time limit to progress to next level.
I would love to find out more about it again, see some pictures or videos etc, so if anyone has a name, brilliant  This has to be Prop Cycle by Namco.
Prop Cycle - Videogame by Namco
I remember going to Blackpool as a kid and was a lover of the arcades, i do remember seeing it, but never played it.
Hopefully that’s the one! Yeah that's the one! Thank's. Is surprisingly on MAME. Will inevitably lose something experience/controls wise playing at home but I will be giving that a go none the less.
Looks to have visually aged well too, given the age of the game.
Blackpool as a child was an amazing experience video game wise. I first played Indiana Jones Temple Of Doom in Blackpool and many others. Great stuff.You could always pretend to peddle with your legs as you play it on MAME .It does still look pretty good, I was suprised having seen a few YT videos.The arcade machine seems to be incredibly rare now as well.
I loved Indy as well, but the game I was always eager to watch was Space Harrier, the hydraulic seat version.I was a little shy when I was a nipper so never had the guts to try it myself (with people watching ), but loved to watch others play.I would spend hours in Blackpool, just moving from one arcade to the next along the golden mile, great memories.