JabbaNut Publish time 26-11-2019 22:38:46

Meet the Chinese console that's like PS4 Pro - but with AMD's next-gen CPU

Subor normallymake those cheap clone Nes consoles and handheld games.

AMD has collaborated with hardware manufacturer Zhongshan Subor to create custom console hardware for the Chinese market - and first impressions suggest a hardware specification similar to PlayStation 4 Pro in terms of GPU compute power, but combined with next-gen Ryzen processor architecture. New hardware set for a Chinese launch in the next month actually takes the form of a Windows PC, with a dedicated console using a custom OS due later this year.

Meet the Chinese console that's like PS4 Pro - but with AMD's next-gen CPU

Kev Greenhalgh Publish time 26-11-2019 22:38:47

InB4 duh "will it run Kodi"? 
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