Gamescom 2018: The Best New Games And Reveals
The biggest announcements, most exciting updates, and hottest new games from Europe's largest gaming showRead the news. Does Evil Edna make an appearance in Ori And The Will Of The Wisps? Heads up, Hitman 2 and Cyberpunk both have the same text  No mention of the Nvidia’s RTX cards? Not big news then? I found the recent Cyberpunk gameplay demo really disappointing. My own expectations being unrealistic no doubt, but I was expecting something jaw dropping. What I saw looked good...but not really anything new. Deus Ex, Crackdown and GTA in a blender....(& the driving controls looked unbelievably poor. 'Floaty' would be a vast understatement)
Here's hoping it turns out to be really impressive after all. Probably won't be out until 2077 at this rate anyway, so plenty of time to tweak...) I thought it looked better than I expected and totally immersive. Can't wait! Beyond excited for streets of rage. Games these days are just too vast for me. Streets of rage was the epitome of gameplay.