MrRudolf Publish time 26-11-2019 22:31:39

Yeah, id second that, I've never had a problem with pc gaming when it comes to multiplayer but have when it comes to xbox.

What games are you playing?

mark6226 Publish time 26-11-2019 22:31:40

It's sad to admit that the majority of people I've encountered online have been nazis. They spew out every possible abusive term they can think off. It's worst when they have their children in the room. These people are animals.
Most tend to come from,the USA. Isn't it weird that they regurgitate their drum beating cloned love of freedom and then do their best to deny everyone else their freedom
I gave up online as I won't listen to that. We all have a right to game without intimidation and abuse.
Sadly these awful,people will have brainwashed their kids to behave in the same way. And so it goes on.

Rocinate Publish time 26-11-2019 22:31:41

Just grievers, I'll often get ramdons message me with their nonsense at least once a week, telling me what they think etc.Just nomarks.

TheBandit1 Publish time 26-11-2019 22:31:42

My advice? Ignore them. Switch of the mic, dont open and then delete any messages from randoms.

They'll soon get bored when they realise you won't play ball.

Ftorek Publish time 26-11-2019 22:31:43

heyo - well... i usually play tf2 so you can always mute individual players in-game....
and if they're writing sh*te/spam in the general chat - you can initiate kick vote... - and normally it works for the worst offenders (racist, homophobic, chauvinist slurs etc....) - people seem to vote in favour of kicking the real scum...

but then again - im white middle aged straight man - so most of the horrendous language isn't directed at me as such - so it's easy to just blank it out... and not be bothered...

but yeah - sometimes it's so toxic it's just unbelievable...

i second that 

Ftorek Publish time 26-11-2019 22:31:44

btw - check this thread next door
Can you be too old to game online?

winteriscoming wrote why he is actually doing this type of sh*te - it may give you some insight 

another thought - best way to deal with behaviour like this - get really good  and then no matter what they say - you're still better than them and they can't touch you 

happy gaming and many returns 

featherhall Publish time 26-11-2019 22:31:45

I don’t game online now except for fifa seasons. I’m 47 and can’t be assed with the seriousness and sheer competitiveness. I can’t help driving into cars occasionally or braking too soon and getting abuse so don’t bother now. Life is too short for that crap

shoestring25 Publish time 26-11-2019 22:31:46

i still play battlefield online and just turn off chat

noone is here Publish time 26-11-2019 22:31:47

I faced the problem too and unfortunately, it happened very often. I play not so good and not for a long period and I never hide it. Some boys prefer explaining the thing with: "That's because you are a girl". Absolutely wrong opinion. Typical misconception. I know boys who play only mobile games to kill their time. And some of my female friends are real pros.
How to explain those people are wrong? I usually ask my female friend to play with them. After losing several times most offenders change their mind.

RimBlock Publish time 26-11-2019 22:31:48

I play mainly on PC and don't really play the trash talk games like TF2.I don't get many issues with trash talk but do, now and then, get someone with 'The Boss' syndrome which is pretty irritating.Working together and coordinating is one thing but having someone come in and order everyone around usually results in me ignoring them.

As I am in Asia and only speak English, I sort of get it the other way round and am often excluded or no one understands what I am saying / chatting and makes it hard to find regular players to game with.

As for being the target of trash talk, mute them, ignore then, remember they don't know you and they are just spouting crap to get a reaction.Ignore and enjoy playing your way or exit and find others to play with.
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