End Of My Gaming...
Mods delete please,thanks! I think this somtimes when getting my arse kicked at fps games online.But when you think of Atari 2600game prices and snes imports etc its cheap today and how far games have improved.
Also you have games like fortnite free to play and just the outlay of console to play today.
I'm locked in to both ps and xbox with now and gamespass until 2022.
I buy games i do not need or not really interested in but i have been gaming since the 70s so it's part of me now.
How ever much i hate the way they want more from players with looboxes etc which i never buy, i could never not pick up a controller whilst fit and able to. But, now i've just seen Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order ! https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/joypixels/[email protected]/png/64/1f62e.png  It's looking good 
Glad i pre ordered from Agentina store as it was a gamble at the time. gaming can be alot cheaper if you dont buy at launch i never pay more than £15 for a game when i get round to it a couple of years after its been out its fully patched and all the dlc is out I started playing games years ago with the Spectrum, then drifted away from it until I had a computer. Always bought games second hand from a local Games Exchange.
I came to XBox late, about 7years ago. Again there was a vast array of games available to me from CEX at very cheap prices. I dont buy new I’m quite happy to wait til they are cheep second hand, plus I have game pass.  Game pass on Xbox /PC is a good way to get a nice select of games cheaply I find, also it encourages me to play things I normally wouldnt and you find some nice surprises sometimes (along with some real crap of course)
acouple of months can often be had for around £1 a month when there are offers. I'm sure you have posted this sort of thread quite a few times the past year or so and keep saying your giving up gaming due to it being Expensive, Buggy/ Unfinished and Overhyped Games.
Lots of advice given and then another thread started.
Good luck finding another hobby, don't let gaming stress you out. No fun if it you think it's expensive or not for you anymore.