Straycat Publish time 26-11-2019 21:36:54

I had the issue of giving a months notice so I lost out on the deal.Is there a way around this?

Coximus Prime Publish time 26-11-2019 21:36:54

My presumption would be you would have to sign up a new contract with a different last name etc.... scenario.. your renting, your contract is coming to an end, a new tenant is now applying for a new contract at the same address etc...

IF you can't do that, I can only presume you have to play russian roulette with retentions by cancelling contract on 11th month and hope they come back to you with a similar deal to what Stanman received...

We are in the same situation as you, 12 months ends on 6/6

Straycat Publish time 26-11-2019 21:36:54

I was well out of the 12 month contract and got told I still had to give a months notice. Was I lied to? 

Fulltopuk Publish time 26-11-2019 21:36:55

No, even when your on a rolling contract you would still have to give a months notice.

jaybroker Publish time 26-11-2019 21:36:55


I just received a offer to introduce a friend where we both get £75 of either John Lewis, M&S or Sainsbury's vouchers.PM me for a code if you are a new customer interested in getting Sky.


Miss Chief Publish time 26-11-2019 21:36:55


If anyone can PM me a code for a Half Price Sky Offer then i would be eternally grateful!



Hockeynut Publish time 26-11-2019 21:36:55

Sky discount deal for friends and family finished a few weeks agoago

ard500 Publish time 26-11-2019 21:36:55

Just wondered whether anyone had seen any good deals to join sky.I will need BB, phone line and TV.I've seen these so far.

karam Publish time 26-11-2019 21:36:56

Hi any offers out there for a new sky subscriber if so please let me know

kefu_002 Publish time 5-2-2020 06:23:34

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