£30 off first order of £60 or more - when you open credit account
As title. You need to be approved for their credit account. Quote ZZ816 when you place your order. If you are disciplined enough to pay off the purchase and throw the card away, then it is worth it. You can for example get an Apple TV2 for £69 plus £3.95 delivery (like I've just done ). Hi,So how do you apply for the credit account?
Can you just cancel the account after buying?
I too wouldnt mind a Apple TV2
Riz  Go in and buy something and during checkout credit comes up as a payment option. I qualified but if you don't then I assume you can just not go through with the purchase. Not sure how you cancel but if I never use it again then that works.  Done, paid the account off in full with my Visa card, £72.95 
Riz  Cool. Did you manage to get in to your account online? I must take a look, that way you you know you are safe from any extra charges. Yes I bought it all online and as soon as I bought it and the account balance reflected my £72.95 spend, I then click on pay balance and paid it off with my Visa card.
Riz  Well that's another 2TB external drive purchased and all for £52.95p
Well chuffed
 Just a short note to update. They offer a Collect from Store option. As home delivery can be a pain for me depending on the courierused, I opted for this. But this led to my order being rejected after the event, as a sort of credit check because the goods are not being delivered to the home address. I have re-ordered and they will manually credit my account upon receipt. So a bit of a faff. If you have delivery to home then you should avoid this. My Apple TV is on its way //
Riz  Thanks, just Ordered couple of bits but don't know what went wrong, did not even get the chance to enter the code and the whole order has gone through without the discount
Advised by Customer Services... once I receive the order to ring them and they will sort the discount out - nothing is ever simple with me