Maybe you should phone them up if it somehow allowed you to pay by credit card.
Also should contact your credit card provider. If the final total that was shown on screen is different from what they actually took out, that's an unauthorised transaction. You only authorised the amount shown on the final payment screen.
What total does your confirmation email show (I assume they sent one)? Now £35 on amazon. Zavvi had it for £29.99 yesterday although looks like it's already gone back to £46.99 now. Now down to £25; obviously not so cheap as the original bargain but might combine well with future Rakuten discounts:
Zoom | Shopping: Steven Spielberg: Director's Collection (with Book) 20X points back today only - equivalent to £5 back when buying this set for £25!  Now £17.99 at Zavvi using code MOVIE10:
Steven Spielberg Directors Collection Now £16.99 before any discounts! Now down to £15.99!