What to buy parents for 50th wedding anniversary
My partners mum and dad have their 50th wedding anniversary coming up soon and we want to get them something special but we just don't know what would be special enough.Their both avid gardeners, love nature and feel young a heart.
Does anyone have any ideas? We ended up getting them a golden anniversary rose and plaque gift pack along with an indoor lemon tree.
They loved it which was a relief, I didn't think it would be so stressful to get them an anniversary gift  @owenwoodcock89 My wifes parents celebrated their 60th anniversary last year, and her brother found out that you can get a card from the Queen. I think you have to apply, so not something that is automatically sent out, but it is a great surprise for them. worth keeping in mind for 10 years time, more details here: Anniversary messages What a great idea, definitely something to do in 10 years time. They're big fans of the royal family so that should go down a treat. My sister & I didn't know what to buy our parents for their 50th, so we took them out along with 30 of their friends & relatives for Lunch which they enjoyed very much.