Cheap, good quality speaker cable
Hello all, I am unsure on whether this has been mentioned on here before but I shall anyway.As I have found and with my experience from work, cable regardless of it's purpose is extremely expensive especially speaker cable. I am always looking out for a bargain and have found this Tower Speaker Twin Cable White 100m | Speaker Cable | | TV Accessories from Wilkinson Plus
I bought a reel and for the money you can't go wrong, 2.5mm, 100m reel for £13! Now, I'm not an expert but 2.5mm is more than man enough for many amps of current draw and hence what do other known 'brands' offer which this doesn't?
Either way, IMHO it is a fantastic buy and am surprised if this hasn't been mentioned before, so what if it is a 'no-name'. Not OFC, not fine strand. I hate to think what the performance is like at 20kHz.
OK for PA but that's all I would use it for. Completely agree with you however for the price you can hardly go wrong? I think I will use this as part of an experiment to see just how much a difference speaker cable makes. OFC is a bit of a con really, standard copper is more conductive than it is oxygen.
I personally wouldn't use that cable, but I doubt the guys at Wh*tH*F* would tell a difference in a double blind test. at £12 for 100m they would give it 1*, and by blind test i mean one where they know what is what and score acordingly  Ok, I recently bought some VanDamme Blue 2.5mm speaker cable of this very forum, and yes, it is very high quality cable, but can I hear any difference? No, of course not, it's all abit of a con really.
Also, with regards the 20kHz point, I am aware of the 'skin effect' especially on MF/HF radios which is why a large copper strap is used for earthing however the 'skin effect' doesn't start until you reach frequencies of about 2000kHz if I remember rightly.
Of course a 2.5mm cable would be better than a 1mm cable at high volume levels but a 2.5mm cable VS a 2.5mm cable, even if one is 100x the price, OFC and tinned and screened, I just can't see it making any difference. Unless some complete idiot ran the speaker cables next to high voltage cables in which the screened type cables would help. Interesting stuff was about to buy some van damme blue my 1st home cinema setup.
Would this bloke's stuff be okay for a reel seems popular?
10m of 2.5mm Loud Speaker Cable Oxygen Free 322 Strand | eBay UK That looks like the stuff available on Amazon and it's actually very good. I use it for my rear speakers because they need about 15m of cable each and it would cost a fortune to buy 'better' cable. I certainly don't notice any issues with it even for HD audio. I am also looking for a speaker cable to fit into the wall and plaster. Was thinking to get the vandamme blue, but as this one is alot cheaper, will there be really any noticeable difference? There will be people that say you get what you pay for. If you've got £20k worth of speakers then it is probably worth spending a bit of money on your cables, but to my knowledge nobody has ever successfully argued anything but 2.5mm is better than 1.5mm and that more strands are better than fewer strands.