Amazon item discounted after I bought it
I bought an item on Amazon on Saturday for £90, delivered Sunday.Have not opened it yet, still in cellophane wrapper.The item is now (Wednesday) reduced to £60 on Amazon for 24 hours only.
What would be the best thing for me to do in this situation:
1. Buy another copy of the item for £60, and then arrange to return the original £90 for a refund.
2. Contact Amazon and let them know I'm disappointed the item was reduced just a few days after I bought it, and to see if they'd refund me the £30 difference.
3. Other.
Any advice appreciated! Number 2 as number 1 option could be classed as fraudulent I had similar last Christmas.I did (2), telling Amazon that I could do (1) but that would be wasting them money so thought they would prefer to do (2).
But Amazon could not cope with (2) and insisted that I did (1) - crazy.
Nigel had the same recently when i bought an echo dot, echo and harmony elite.
when i noticed the dot going down by £15 i went on chat and they refunded the difference. the next day the harmony went down by £40 so went on chat again and they said they didnt do the refund for price drops even though my 1st unit hadnt been dispatched yet.
i asked what would be the best thing to do and they said purchase at the lower price and send the 1st unit back - so following their advice thats what i did... I've always had the first option occur. I've returned a few items in all by the same method. Amazon always said it was okay... How would option 1 be classed as fraud?. Under the consumer contracts regulations op has 14 days to notify a return and then a further 14 days to return it without giving any reason.Since it is still shrink wrapped then op is entitled to full refund.
If op had done something to get round warranty by buying new item and returning old broken item after say a year then yes that would be fraudulent but this is very different. What happens if the serial numbers are tracked?And i said could be classedas but not definitely is fraud.
I do empathise with the situation though, so maybe try #2 first? Doesn't matter whether the serial numbers are tracked, op is legitimately returning the first one in the time period allowed under the CCR, Amazon cannot deny him a refund.Afaik there are no circumstances it could be classed as fraud in this scenario.
Purchase A Serial # 123 Order C price £90
Purchase B Serial # 124 Order D price £60
Now if returns Purchase A on the back of order D you are right the serials would not match but he would also only get £60 back if they allowed it\didn't check the serials.He needs to return it under Order C to get the full price back.
Where it would be fraudulent would be the example below
Purchase E Serial # 125 Order F price £90
Purchase G Serial # 126 Order H price £90
Purchase E is dropped and broken and out of any return period.Person then buys new one and returns old one saying it was damaged in post for a full refund.
Option 1 costs Amazon a few more pennies in postage and return so you would think option 2 would be the more sensible route from a profits point of view. Contact them first and explain it. They are normally pretty good. Your explanation is far better than I could muster