E cigs: Why not just give up?
Undoubtedly safer than real fags, but still perpetuate your nicotine addiction.Why not just stop ? You don't need nicotine to function, really you don't. Take away the addiction, trust me there is no "enjoyment" in smoking. I quite enjoy my minty choc chip flavour, thanks. While still smoking nicotine liquid as well ? So we get there in the end.
You are still a nicotine addict. You are just fooling yourself by smoking flavoured liquid from time to time.
If you like mint choc chip, eat ice cream.  Why does it bother you so much?? It doesn't.
Other than having escaped from the nicotine trap myself after 30 years of addiction, it saddens me that others are still conning themselves that they somehow enjoy it. Ah I see, don't feel sad though, it's not worth you getting stressed by what others do. Well if it's so easy to just stop as you claim in your first post then why were you addicted for 30 years?
You sound sad enough to me already without making yourself even sadder worrying about those of us who enjoy electronic cigarettes. Where did I say it was easy ? 'm afraid you are putting words in my mouth there.
It took a long time for me to understand I was just a junkie, no better than a crack head, before I finally found the key to get out of the trap.
As for being sad, again you are completely off the mark my friend; every day I smile to myself that Iam free of nicotine . If you want to keep on conning yourself that you "enjoy" inhaling nicotine vapour, you go ahead; try not to do it in public though as people tend to laugh at you  What exactly do people tend to laugh at?
And as for what I "enjoy" I think I know when I'm enjoying something thanks I don't need a sanctimonious ex-smoker to tell me.