Publish time 26-11-2019 21:02:39
Yes, I started with a basic atomiser and drip tip that came with the Provari. As extras when i ordered it. It was fairly good as a starter even with a wire mesh coil.
It did however suffer with the liquid not being completely used up within the atomiser where the fibre in the repairable one does soak it up which is a lot better.
There maybe better ones on the market than the atomiser that I purchased with the Provari but it for me it was just to get me through while I waited for the Mark T.
Check out UK Vapers forum as there is clockworks repairable stuff sold there where he makes them to order and they have a good name. a lot cheaper than others too.
Here's a link that may help to show what his is about.
Publish time 26-11-2019 21:02:39
Ah thanks!May look into it after a little while 
Any recommendations on any decent e-liquid to use? I'm currently working my way through 40ml of Rok Universal Virginia tobacco... It's okay but tastes very caramelly and sweet and nothing like Virginian tobacco almost like candy floss...Have tried a menthol before but didn't like it. Would like to Getty hooks of a decent tobacco flavour and maybe try some oddities?
Publish time 26-11-2019 21:02:39
I like the TW Hilton liquid.
The link goes to their 5ml size which is a good size for testing out flavours. The last batch was 36MG which I had for my eGo but the next batch I may go lower on the nicotine content.
I also like the minty choc chip flavour.
From ENJuice I had some coffee flavour liquid and that was quite nice too.
Always hard to recommend a flavour but worth trying the Hilton.
Publish time 26-11-2019 21:02:39
Damn it.... Ran out of fags already.... Hate when it's a heavy night knowing how bad they are for you, I'd have used the kit but I haven't got it yet.....
Publish time 26-11-2019 21:02:40
Hang in there it's worth it trust me!!
Any other flavour recommendations from you guys?
Publish time 26-11-2019 21:02:40
Hi guys, looking for some advice.
Bit of an ecig noob here and am about to order myself a Lava Tube premium kit (I think).
Lavatube Variable Voltage Mod - Premium Kit
But haven't got a clue what I need to order to go with it re cartridges etc, any help greatly appreciated.
Publish time 26-11-2019 21:02:40
Boge standard 3 ohm cartomisers or a tank system I would advise for it. Any 510 fitting cartomiser / atomiser will fit.
These need filling though.
Publish time 26-11-2019 21:02:40
going cold turkey is probably the most shocking thing to the system
the amount you suffer its craziness
Publish time 26-11-2019 21:02:40
No laughing please
Movie on 10-04-2012 at - YouTube
Publish time 26-11-2019 21:02:41
I use a tank with my LT - basically means I only have to fill it every 2 or 3 days. As the battery on the LT is so good it's much less hassle than using cartridges with a smaller ecig. I have a 3ml and a 6ml tank (bought from freedomvapes I think)- much easier than cartridges - the only 'downside' is that you have to pierce your own cartridges, but thats a doddle if you buy a 'reverse osmosis self piercing saddle valve'(!!) - you just clamp the cartridge in and it's so easy to pierce. I got one off ebay for £4.99. I can post the item number if anyone is interested. Saves a fortune vs buying pre-pierced cartridges.
Good luck - the LT is a great piece of kit...