MooCow Publish time 26-11-2019 20:54:42

Can recommend the iStick, all I use now, given up on mechanical mods and swapping about batteries etc. Still have my Nemesis, Gizmo and Touchwood sat on the side unused for a few months now.
I have the original - 20W which I have had no problems with threads and the "overfiring" never seemed to be an issue for me personally.
And I have the newer 30W model though as I dropped the original and a lead came off inside (though have since managed to repair it - so I have a spare).

The Vamo V5 was my first mod, was a pain in the rear to be honest. It was far too big for pocketing easily IMO and the centre pin constantly messed up too. Think it spent as much time being unusable as it did working from memory. I wouldn't recommend them, think things have moved on a lot since they came out.

Timmy C Publish time 26-11-2019 20:54:42

Well despite the tips given so far (some of which I still plan to act on as a box mod is next on my list) I ended up buying a Vamo V7 which arrived last week and so far I'm very happy and it was cheap! To be honest I quite fancied the 'lightsaber'look and as it's for mainly home use the size isn't an issue.

After mainly using either my Nemesis or X6 batteries (vari voltage but only 3 settings), the level of control with the Vamos is all new to me. I must admit I'm struggling to understand why I would need it to go anywhere near its maximum of 40w though. Can you guys put explain in newbie terms why I may want anything over say 20w? Thanks.

Timmy C Publish time 26-11-2019 20:54:42

That's something I meant to ask about. If you can't (easily) take out and replace the batts then I assume it's only really fit for the bin when the ones in it stop holding charge? Doesn't that get rather expensive in the long run?

RandomLee Publish time 26-11-2019 20:54:43

I think higher watts just means bigger clouds really.

Congrats on the new purchase 

Timmy C Publish time 26-11-2019 20:54:43

Well what confused me, aside from trial and error with my own tanks, was these charts (see below) which suggest going over 9 watts wouldn't be sensible regardless of the coil resistance.While on that note, I also bought an Eleaf Lemo tank which seems to have a pre-built one ohm coil installed. What would be the suggested wattage in this instance?

walks Publish time 26-11-2019 20:54:43

Personally, for a 1ohm coil I would be looking at setting the wattage to about 15w. I would recommend starting at about 10 and keep increasing it by 1 until you get to a point where it's no longer enjoyable or you get a burnt taste. For reference, I think the Kanger OCC 1.2ohm coils are recommended to be used between 12 and 25 watts.

RandomLee Publish time 26-11-2019 20:54:43

I'm finding I generally use between 11 and 15w on my Lemo and Kayfun with around 1ish ohms.

That chart seems a bit off 

Timmy C Publish time 26-11-2019 20:54:44

I've only just started playing around with the Lemo and have found that wattagewise I seemed to be getting best results in the same ballpark area as you. I need to play around with it a little more though as at the moment I prefer my protank. That said, I hated my protank when I got it and much preferred my Vivi Novas but that all changed with time so not giving up on the Lemo just yet!

WozzaUK Publish time 26-11-2019 20:54:44

Once you're using sub ohm coils you'll need the high wattage or it just won't work and you'll either get nothing or spitting liquid. The lower the resistance the more wattage you will be able to push. I use between 35-40 W on my Atlantis to get the best out of it

nacmacfeegle Publish time 26-11-2019 20:54:44

Definitely off, in fact, nowhere near IMO.
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