Fasttech shipping
I placed an order through fasttech at the beginning of last week...would anyone know the average shipping time as their estimates appear a bit hopeful since its arriving from China.Previous orders with Aliexpress have taken 2.5 to 3 weeks previously so I am assuming the same for fasttech. Usually quicker than Ali Express. Has it actually been shipped? Sometimes take a week before they dispatch. But on a average I'd say 7-14 once actually dispatched.
Gearbest are good for China shipping using British express. 3-4 days normallyfor about $2. My latest order was shipped on the 8th and arrived today 12th. Yeah, expect about the same. Although I have waited around 2 months before but that was due to a delay as it was a battery and sent back to them.
I placed my last order on the 2nd and it was dispatched overseas yesterday. I would expect to get it hopefully next Wed/Thurs.. Cheers chaps, maybe I'll have a look at Gearbest in future 
Great range of fasttech though It's fine if you aren't desperate for something, I just ordered a spare KFL base and Kuro Coiler set so it can turn up whenever. My order turned up yesterday so a little over 2 weeks from ordering. I've bought loads from Fastech and it usually doesn't take too long. Once it shows as dispatched to overseas I would expect it in about 5 days. I think the shipping time of the chinese online shopping websites are similar,such as gearbest,tinydeal,dx and so on.Maybe you should compare these websites on shipping time next time ,for they have different shipping methods according to the destination.