Cocksure Publish time 26-11-2019 20:47:49

Anyone know about snuff?

Hi, I know this is the e cigs forum but I reckon this is my best place to ask such a question.

Does anyone have any experience of snuff or can give advice about it.

Being a heavy smoker I am thinking about getting into snuff for use in the places I can't smoke, thankfully there aren't many, but like I said I'm a heavy smoker so this option seems ideal.

Not really interested in e cigs at this stage as half the fun of smoking is the bits and actions that go with it

Can anyone help?

Axl Publish time 26-11-2019 20:47:50

@hyperfishmight be able to help.

hyperfish Publish time 26-11-2019 20:47:51

Mate, don't go there. Coming from the mining industry I have been using it for many years and I can tell you that it is addictive.

I don't smoke but my colleaguesthat did smoke didn't see it as a substitute for a cigarette, likewise chewing tobacco.

As soon as they got out of the mine they couldn't get to their cigs quick enough.

has2mow Publish time 26-11-2019 20:47:52

i know my old grandad use to take it like mad lived to a right old age.

I was also a very heavy smoker 40 plus a day, at some of the sports clubs i go to they have a blanket ban on smoking on the premises and i am outside mowing, i found nicorett cools briliant 2mg and 4 mg strength they really do work and taste like a mint, i now vape when i can and have saved a load as well.

Not much help on the snuff but it has also got me off the fags after smoking for 35 years and my lungs have thanked me . one of the best things i have ever done.

has2mow Publish time 26-11-2019 20:47:53

Just to add the mints range from 18 quid full price for 80 down to 9 quid when on offer, so i buy the 4mg tabs and break them in half, 20ml of vape liquid a week so it now costs me 1 days original smoking cost and 6 days fag money saved.

Cocksure Publish time 26-11-2019 20:47:54

Thanks for the replies //

I would expect it to be addictive (little point if it wasn't  as i like my nicotine fix)

I'm looking for something to go hand in hand with my cigs which was why i thought of snuff, but if your saying it wont help towards the curbing the need for a cig then its all a bit debatable.

I'm currently a very heavy smoker (50 to 60 a most days sometimes more), so was hoping snuff would allow me to say knock that down to 40 and i would be happy, as well as taking care of the times i cant smoke for one reason or another.

I know theirs a huge saving to be made on e cigs, but they really dont interest me as i really enjoy striking the zippo, pulling the tab from the pack etc, its the bit i miss the most on the few times i have stopped.

Thanks for mentioning the mints, i will have to have a ponder on them 

has2mow Publish time 26-11-2019 20:47:55

The mints are superb if you had 3 or 4 ( 4 milograms )on the trot you would certainly not want a fag afterwards you will be buzzing.

If you work out how much nicotine you are taken per day on your current regime and allowing that some of the fag burns away that would give you a guide on how much nicotine you need per day, 10 x 4 milogram tabs is 40 milograms of nicotine and no wastage its straight into the body and thats a lot of nicotine.

Just remember you can get nicotine overdose and its not pleasant, been there . have a google on overdose and max daily intake.

The mints give me a kick when i need them morning and stress times and the ecig feels the hand to mouth routine.

so what ever you decide to take check your total intake level of nicotine

Good luck
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