Ex smoker new to the vape club.
Hi all newish to the vaping but got a kangertech evod at the min using vip juice. Doing well at the mo not even tempted by a real ciggy(20ish rollies of gv a day for 20 years). Just wondering though there's a real sweet spot that i love and real is as good as the fags.Already realising i may have to up my vaping game so where do i go ?Ideally I don't want to spend massive amounts because once I've weened off the nicotine i will want to stop vaping.
Should i stay on epens and if so which is a decent brand and something that will give me a decent hit.
I know this is vague so will be happy to answer the experts questions, also would ideally like to only spend £30 ish a month juice included.
Thanks in advance  . If what you are using is keeping you off the cigarettes then stick with it. If not, then there are masses of choice out there and it can get a bit overwhelming at times.
If you're looking at only spending £30 a month for juice then I would recommend you either stick with what you have (never used an evod so can't really comment on those) or look at spending a little more up front on some better kit that should last for some time meaning you only have to buy juice each month. For a simple yet effective set up I would recommend a nautilus or nautilus mini, coupled with an istick 30w. I too was a heavy smoker and ive had a few ecig sticks from akangatech to univapourmx and a few other I got from the local vape shop,then went onto the sub tank box first was a 20w eleaf I'm now on a innokin coolfire 4 and their apex tank, and now ive tried various mods and tanks ect as my friends have them I can say I would recommend the coolfire,there only £35 for the 40w with the basic tank and every liquid ive had in it has been a dream Ordering a coolfire/apex/ from amazon for my xmas gift off the lad you wont regret it mate there very good for the money Coolfire should arrive tomorrow but the apex is royal mail so no idea when that will come They are here but its far too big so I am returning them unopened Did you go with anything else in the end? Coolfire iv with the sub ohm gtank. Nice to be honest big change up the from the little shishas. Tempted with the new apex tank as it can be top filled but won't be till after xmas now. I ended up buying a subbox nano just this morning, so far very impressed