Batteries for 160w mod
Going to be upgrading my kanger dripbox to the 160w model. I'll be most likely using it at 70-80w, whilst 60 at 0.2ohms on my current model does taste nice I would prefer it a bit warmer.I'm aware that I need to 'marry' a pair of identical brand new batteries together but don't really know which I should be going for.
Suggestions please?  Ssmsung 25r 
2x GENUINE SAMSUNG INR 18650 25R GREEN 2500mAh 20/35A Li-Mn 3.7v BATTERIESCASE Lol cheers mate but I ordered two lg hg2's after a workmates recommendation 45 mins ago. With prime they will be here tomorrow & the new toy will be here my Monday  That seller for future reference tho, ordered a few times. Rapid delivery and when some were not in stock despite saying so had propmt email sorting it within minutes  That's cool, cheers buddy. Stored for future reference.