Defib Publish time 26-11-2019 20:44:52

We have a flavour called Fusion Blue, i think its locally made (RSA) and its awesome

reddeviluk Publish time 26-11-2019 20:44:52

Quick question (and it may have been answered before), but the forum members that mix their own juice, are they allowed to sell on here?.I'm just starting out vaping so new to it all, would love to try new flavours etc, but at the cost of it, spending several £££ on something that I may hate after one drag isn't an option, shame no one does tasters.


nero0410 Publish time 26-11-2019 20:44:52

Almost anything sweet or fruity (and sweet  ).

Last one I tried with my TFV4 was this stuff:
Rainbow Trail

It's very smooth, almost get a different flavour with each hit and VERY sweet tasting!!

Still looking for other places that sell uk made, cheap liquids at 100ml. Tenner for 100ml (Usually buy 2 with £4.45 postage) seems pretty good value 


Saldawop Publish time 26-11-2019 20:44:52

Have you tried mole juice. 100ml for £12. Spend £30 and get free p&p

nero0410 Publish time 26-11-2019 20:44:53

Cheers, I'll have to give them a try 


Saldawop Publish time 26-11-2019 20:44:53

Have just ordered some myself. Don't know why, as I can't taste any eliquid anyway

zenza Publish time 26-11-2019 20:44:53

Where did you order from?

Saldawop Publish time 26-11-2019 20:44:53

Me? Home - Mole Juice

It is made by a couple who have a disabled son , run out of stock pretty quickly.I think they restock once a week,although that depends on what is happening with their son.All profits go to charities.
I was looking last week, said restocking 17th july. It was about 11PM when that happened. Just turned up today.
Can look here Facebook for updates, but found it easier just to refresh the site page every half hour or so.

razz1979 Publish time 26-11-2019 20:44:53

Another one for Mole Juice here. Milk Mole & Moles Reserve near the top of my list at the moment. Their Malibu Breeze is lovely too, tastes like Lilt.

As Saldawop said, profits go to various charities. A great vendor.

reddeviluk Publish time 26-11-2019 20:44:54

I'll have to give them a try, I'd heard the name but not the story behind them.
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