frazk Publish time 26-11-2019 20:38:58

Going to have a look into it I think. Looks pretty expensive when I had a quick look this morning but it’s worth a try.

Hixs Publish time 26-11-2019 20:38:59

Sensi Seeds do CBD vape liquid and normal oil.

swiftpete Publish time 26-11-2019 20:38:59

My mate uses it and says it helps with anxiety.

Ensor Publish time 26-11-2019 20:38:59

Absolutely it looks expensive, I dithered for ages before buying a bottle - £35 for 30ml seems outrageous on the face of it.

However, I've been using that bottle since the beginning of December and still have easily 1/3rd of the bottle left. At 8 drops per day it goes an awfully long way.

frazk Publish time 26-11-2019 20:39:00

What strength is the liquid you use? I’m waiting on the arrival of some 120mg stuff I bought over the weekend and the manufacturer isn’t very clear on how much to add to your eliquid.
I read a review on it and they said to use around 1ml in 10ml of eliquid. They didn’t state which strength they had a sample of though!

Ensor Publish time 26-11-2019 20:39:00

I'm not sure, they did tell me when I bought it but it kind of went in one ear and out the other at the time.

I need to find out again though as I was told this evening that the shop have just more than doubled the price of their bottles. I'll definitely be looking to mix my own in future I think. 

I'll try and find out tomorrow and get back to you.

All you can really do is to start off with a few drops and see how it goes. Then keep adding a few more until you find the amount that works for you.

eliseamyy Publish time 26-11-2019 20:39:00

Not sure if you mean the normal drops you put under your tongue or the CBD vape liquid.

Either way I'd only recommend both for pain related stuff. It won't get you high... my boyfriend works in a vape shop and it's so irritating people think it's to get high from. It's medical related. It doesn't taste nice either.

Ensor Publish time 26-11-2019 20:39:00

CBD vape oil.

I use it to help control my anxiety and the pain from the spondilitis in my neck. Works very well for both. Doesn't help with all forms of pain for me though.

Agreed about the taste, just the few drops I put into a 10ml bottle of ejuice really screws about with the taste of it. 

Ensor Publish time 26-11-2019 20:39:01

How are you getting on with the liquid you bought?

I've been trying to get a straight answer as to the strength of the stuff I buy, but the shop don't seem to know themselves. All they can tell me is that "it's near enough pure", whatever that means.

I think I'll just buy a batch of CBD crystals and experiment for myself.

frazk Publish time 26-11-2019 20:39:01

The CBDFX stuff I’ve got recommends 1-2 full drippers full per 10ml tank. That’s way too much for me, it tastes rank! So I’m using ten drops per tank instead. Can’t really say it does anything for me at that, but I’m still trying it.
I’m on 120mg stuff, I maybe should have got stronger but it’s a lot more expensive.
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