Good wines for Italian food
The family is going to a BYOW Italian restaurant tonight and I was wondering if anyone has any recommendations for a decent bottle (or two) of plonk to take along. Preferably red but I'm always open to a decent white (or rosé...if they exist).I imagine it'll be to complement seafood, pasta and probably a pizza. Any good bottles you would suggest? Again, it'd be easier if I were able to grab it from Tesco/Sainsbury's or Wine Rack.
Cheers! A decent Valpolicella (Think that's how you spell it) or a classic Chianti always works well.  I always reckon, in the absence of specific knowledge about brands/makes, you can't go wrong with a Chilean red.
You don't have to go Italian, just because you're eating Italian.
Or have look at the likes of Jancis Robinson's site.
Or Oz Clark.
His (red) wine of the week is £5.99 from Sainsburys.
2006 Côtes du Rhône Villages, Taste the Difference (M Chapoutier), Rhône Valley, France
14% ABV
Sainsbury's, £5.99 Marquis de Riscal is a decent red. Although it's a Spanish rioja, I like it with Italian food. A Calfornian Shiraz would go well esp if you have a tomato based dish or a Sicilian Regialiali